By Chantelle Morrell
For my research I gather inspiration and ideas from a website called 'Pinterest.' I search for artists or key words I am using that ties in with my theme then I pin images from various artists/photographers that inspire me in my work. I gather information and then use my models to create as much of a high level of interest as I have towards these photographers that have inspired me. In my research they are various techniques that the artists have used throughout their work using Photoshop that I would like to experiment with in my future work. I have pinned techniques such as overlay using bright colours, using different brightness' and contrasts to enhance the main colours and subjects from the image. All of the artists I have looked at use different techniques and styles in their work that looks effective but still all works well in my theme of 'exaggeration.' This website is very useful when I want inspiration for artists to use for my project and ideas for my work. I enjoy using Pinterest throughout my work because of the style and amount of different work there is to look at for you. If I want to look at a particular artist I can also look at other peoples work such as their pins and their boards they have created. This helps me look at their ideas and artists they have looked at that link in with the artist I was looking at in the beginning. I would like to focus on artists such as Rankin and Laura Ferriera, however they is other work I have looked at but I do not know who the artist is as the website sometimes doesn’t give enough detail for the images. This can be a problem, as I can’t search for more work from the artist. If this happens I just get inspiration from that image and use their ideas in my work. Below I have added a link to my Pinterest account, this will show all of the work I have liked and pinned onto my A2 Photography board.